Debt and Ratings

Main Debt Instruments of Hidrovias do Brasil S.A. on March 31, 2024

Company Debt Balance(BRL) Interest Due date Exposure
HIF Bond 2025 R$748,625 5.95% 2025 USD
HIF Bond 2031 R$1,857,766 4.95% 2031 USD
Cabotage BNDES R$461,355 2.50% – 3.88% 2032 USD
Holding 1st issue debentures R$436,427 CDI + 2.2% 2031 BRL
Holding 1nd issue debentures R$509,153 IPCA + 6.0% 2029 BRL
Holding Finep R$37,777 TJLP + 1% 2032 BRL

Debt Amortization Schedule

Consolidated position of Hidrovias do Brasil S.A. on March 31, 2024 (BRL million).

Credit Ratings


Local Scale
Agency Rating Perspective Date Report
Fitch AA- Stable October 6, 2023 Fitch


Global Scale
Agency Rating Perspective Date Report
Fitch BB- Stable October 6, 2023 Fitch
ESG BBB Stable April 23, 2024 ESG
Moody’s B1 Stable January 29, 2024 Moody’s




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